Genome Valley

Thought Leaders

Opportunity Next.

Gear up to interact with the game changers. Hear, observe, learn and connect with the best of Industry Leaders and policy Influencers. BioAsia 2013 brings you the best of best under one roof on the 28th, 29th and 30th of January, 2013.

Be There.

Dr. Alfredo Aguilar Romanillos
Head of Unit, European Commission, Research
Directorate - General, Biotechnology,
Agriculture and Food Research

Alfredo Aguilar is at the European Commission, DG Research, since 1986. His job involves preparation; implementation and follow up of the EC Research Framework Programmes and be at the interface between research and other Community policies. His main objective is to promote the so-called KBBE (Knowledge-Based Bioeconomy in Europe) through the R&D activities in Biotechnology in FP7. Prior to this, Aguilar was the Head of the INCO (International Cooperation) Programme; Head of Unit for Biotechnology and Applied Genomics; Head of Unit "The Cell Factory" and Head of Unit of Demonstration Projects in Life Sciences.

Aguilar has a PhD in Chemistry (Biochemistry). Is Associate Professor of Microbiology at the University Complutense of Madrid and prior to this at the University of León. He has carried out research at postdoctoral level for several years at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK and at the Institut für Zellbiologie, Eidgenössiche Technische Hochshule, in Zurich, CH. He also worked as manager at the Chemistry R&D Department, Lever Ibérica (Unilever), Aranjuez, E.

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